Google To Give An Amazing iOS Maps App Experience Featuring 3D Maps

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Before the launch of iOS 6 many people were expecting Apple to introduce a completely revamped maps app for iOS, just as expected Apple delivered the completely new maps app featuring 3D maps and turn-by-turn navigation. With the introduction of these features Apple left long time maps partner Google. Well don’t say goodbye to Google maps on iOS just yet as we are going to get some exciting news from Google soon.

Apple has ditched Google maps in favour of TomTom in iOS 6 but that is not the end of Google maps in fact it is a new beginning, something most of you will find amazing.

Jeff Huber, SVP, Commerce & Local at Google replied to a person on Google plus who mentioned that he wanted Google to provide great map app and to it he replied that Google will in fact provide amazing experience on iOS.

Just REALLY hope all this hard work is sill appreciable from an iOS device.. I can assure you that just because some of us have iPhones and iPads doesn’t mean we don’t prefer google maps over the elementary stuff apple is said to be proposing! We need a great Google Map app. Pleeeease! [just edited typos and clarity]

Jeff Huber: We look forward to providing amazing Google Maps experiences on iOS

So what amazing Google Maps experiences are we going to expect from Google? Well just before Apple’s WWDC Google had its own Maps event showing some stunning 3D maps which are currently being worked at Google and soon to be launched on Android and later iOS.

So what this means is, iOS users are definitely going to get the stunning 3D maps from Google (better than Apple’s 3D maps?) soon. Something to rejoice especially for those iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS users who won’t be getting 3D maps as part of iOS 6.

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